December 2018 - Jan 2019 newsletter
Hi Rockets:
We voted on the new board members for 2019:
President-Toby Biegel-Massa
Vice President-LIsa Lubarsky
Secretary-Susan Proce
Treasurer-Nancy Wagner Wetzel
Master Male Captain-Tony Larocca
Master Female Captain-Trish Mulligan
Open Male Captain-Tom Mckernan
Open Female Captain-Teresa Notaristefano
We welcomed new member Kenneth Downing
Tank tops for those who ordered will be ready before the end of the year..we can put in another order in a couple of months.
Treasury Report-$ 2722-scholarship fund and $2132-general fund
Holiday Party Update-Sat Feb 3rd-Old Bermuda -Lisa will have more details and we will send out an email with more information on cost and time.
**As an added bonus-LIsa told us that because we had so many volunteers for the NY Marathon this year, the Rockets received a guaranteed spot into the NYC Marathon for 2019 .The members agreed that this will be one of our raffle prizes at the holiday party for only those who want to run the race.
Runner of the Month-John Dixon-he just completed (100) NYRR 5k races on Staten Island..What an accomplishment
Upcoming races:
12/16-Special Olympics 2 mile Run SI Developmental Center/off Willowbrook Rd-10am
12/31-Midnight Run -NYRR 4 miles-
1/1/19-Sober Up Run-Clove Lake Park-10am
1/5/19-Joe Kleinman 10 K-Central Park
1/19/19-Resolution4 mile Run-Bloomingdale Park SI trail series-1st run
1/20/19-Fred Lebow Half Marathon-Central Park -8am
Free Runs-SIAC 3 mile fun run-Saturdays-9am
NYRR 5k runs-Silver Lake and Conference House9am
Runs that Rockets may be interested in to do training runs :
Feb 17th-Cherry Tree 10 miler/RelayProspect Park Brooklyn
Sunday April 29th-NJ Half./Full Marathon-LongBranch NJ
Dues are due come the New Year-please see attached renewal form and please mail your monies /checks to Nancy Wagner-Wetzel.
Lastly-I want to thank all of you in getting me through this year as President and voting me in for another year.
Happy Holiday Season to all of you and your families,
January 2019 minutes ! Happy New Year
Toby welcomed new Eileen Duffy member present
Reminder: Application for annual dues are out Toby welcomed new member Eileen Duffy present, and announced her as a new member
Reminder Application for annual dues are out .
New Tanks were given out to members who wanted; another order will be taken by the summer.
Treasury report by Nancy- $3242 in Scholarship Fund and $1499 in Rocket checking account
Rockets donated $100 to Lifestyles for the Disabled at the 2 mile Run on 12/16/18
We sent flowers to Brian Thomson in the loss of his mom Mildred
Volunteers needed February 22nd to February 24 at the USATF Track and Field Event at the Ocean Breeze Complex-an email was forwarded by Toby regarding this event letting members know it would be considered the +1 to get into the NYC Marathon
Scholarship Fund discussed, new requirement, we will look at past volunteer experience of applicants and may require applicants to commit to serve as volunteers for future races such as the Triple Crown and Cosme's Run
Holiday Party on February 2, Old Bermuda Inn from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm, we need minimum of 40 plus persons to attend, raffles and door prizes to include 1 guaranteed entry to 2019 NYC marathon, cost is $20.00, open to all Rockets members and non- member guests attending the annual Rockets holiday party. Proceeds will go to the scholarship fund. This entry was obtained from JCC through Lisa Lubarsky, and the Rockets that volunteered at the 2018 NYC Marathon. Anyone taking this raffle should be strongly committed to running the NYC Marathon 2019. We will be having a DJ and awards will be given out.
Upcoming runs:
January 19th, Resolution Run,Bloomingdale Park, Staten Island 10am
January 20th, Fred Lebow Half Marathon Central Park 8am Central Park
February 17th, Cherry Tree 10 Miler & Relay, Prospect Park
Mile Mania at Ocean Breeze Complex every other Thursday started January 3rd @ 7pm (3 races include- 1 mile, 800meter and 2 mile)-you can just show up.
SIAC 3 Mile Fun Run every Saturday Clove Lakes Park 9am
NYRR 5K at Silver lake Park Sundays @ 9am
Tony Larocca offered to drive anyone who wants to run the Cherry Tree 10 Miler in Prospect Park
Launch runs to start up again, Lisa Lubarsky will coordinate
More discussion to follow on Coast Guard run date Mike Leathers is organizing sometime in May.
Tom Bednarcyzk was welcomed back after recent hospitalization, Thomas McKernan welcomed back after bike accident in Florida, and Lisa Lubarsky noted to be doing better after bike accident.
Runners of the Month December-Cheryl and Mike Bergeron (did 1/2 Iron Man in California)
Our next meeting will be at Jody's on Feb 4th at 7PM.
Meeting Adjourned