April Newsletter

Guest Speaker #1 Bob Moore,Mid Island Rotary spoke about Race they put on The Spring Meltdown Sunday April 29th At Fresh Kills Park .Their main purpose is fundraising for local community mainly helping women,children,food pantries,etc.Mid Island is supported by local businesses and really needs runners to come out and do this race so businesses see their support in the community!So please consider run/walk this event for a great cause!
Guest Speaker #2 Susan from Goretti Group spoke about a race they`re putting on Saturday Aug.11,2018 The Race For the Chaste Run/Walk 10a.m. @ Midland Beach They promote chastity. WWW.GORETTIGROUP.ORG/NEWYORK for more Info
Congrats to Tommy Hart on completing the National Triathlon Championship in South Carolina on Sunday April 8th,awaiting final results to see if he qualified for World Championship in Spain!
Brooklyn Half Bus! Tommy has about 12-15 seats left on the bus Call Tommy to reserve seat asap @ 718-720-4830 (h) or Cell # 607-624-8690 Bus leaves from Victory Blvd. across from Clove Lakes Ice Skating Rink @ 5a.m.
Groundbreaking Ceremony for Clove Lakes Running Trail is Thursday April 26th @ 3p.m.
Launch Runs have been going very well! On Saturday morning we have been incorporating it with SIAC Fun Run @ 9a.m. in Clove Lakes others mid week various locations and anyone can post a run on Rockets website!
Scholarship Winners will be at May Meeting to receive their Scholarships The Committee has selected 4 students this year to get 750.00 each Winners will be notified this week by Trish
Triple Crown Race Series Discount if you register for all 3 by May 22nd!
Treasury Report General Fund 7087.56 Scholarship 3952.00 Club donated 200.00 to John Chan`s group for Boston Marathon
Runner of the Month Tony LaRocca Martin Larosa